miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

Oh yeah, and Sarah Palin hates the middle class

A newstory just broke about Sarah Palin's fashion expenses. Apparently, the former Miss Alaska runner-up spent 150k on designer clothes....LAST MONTH. Now, I´m not saying that Democrats don´t have extravagant tastes as well (they do), but it seems kind of odd that a candidate who constantly RANTS about putting an end to government waste and campaign finance reform spent what could be considered the equivalent of a decent yearly salary by most Americans on looking hot. I´m just saying that though she claims to be an outsider, she certainly spends like an insider (on herself).

2 comentarios:

Emma dijo...

Her outfits were way cute, in that stodgy-but-femme conservative-but-current sort of way. Of course, it was expensive. Her glasses are a few hundred, and I wouldn't be surprised if she spent more on her hair than John Edwards.

Emma dijo...

See my previous comment? She spent $10,000 on her hair! And $22,800 on her makeup? And Edwards spent - what? - $400? I'm not saying, I'm just saying.
