martes, 21 de octubre de 2008

Why I have beef with Sarah Palin:

1. She is not a pitbull, but a trained monkey. All of her stump speeches can be reduced to blah blah blah hockey mom, blah blah blah Bill Ayers, blah blah blah plumber, blah blah blah unpatriotic, blah, blah blah, I love this country, blah blah blah, socialism. How any self-respecting woman would agree to do a job she´s cleary not qualified for, and then let aides and her running-mate spoonfeed her talking points is beyond me. The only times we´ve seen her semi-unfiltered were in those horrendous Katie Couric interviews, where she fumbled through questions related to the economy and couldn´t even name a newspaper she regularly reads. Now, I´ll admit she´s gotten better in the last couple of weeks, but that only means she´s been practicing her lines, not that she´s ready to be vice-president.

2. Love of country does not=a line on one´s resume. One thing that really irritates me is that Sarah Palin claims to have this unique perspective about what it means to be an American, which if I´m not mistaken, has something to do with, teen mothers, hockey, and hunting. Now, I actually don´t have a much of a problem with Sarah Palin´s brand of patriotism. What does bug me is that she thinks 1. her way of seeing America is the only way (keep in mind that she comes from one of the least diverse states in the Union) and 2. that somehow repeating "I love this great country" makes her qualified to be vice-president. When I was in high school, I used to visit a borderline senile but charming old lady who said exactly the same thing, but I highly doubt Palin's supporters would accept her as their vice-presidential candidate.

3. Ugh, the comparison of Obama and Palin's experience levels. This one just pisses me off. Fine, Sarah Palin has been a governor and a mayor, but it is pretty damn clear that she didn´t spend a single second thinking about foreign or hell even domestic policy until she was tapped to be McCain´s running-mate. I know this has been repeated several times, but people, please remember that she used Russia´s proximity to Alaska to evidence her foreign policy experience (despite never having visited there). Also, i´ll concede that she perhaps cut taxes in Alaska (and fairly distributed oil wealth), but none of that means that she is in anyway equipped to understand the recession currently facing America. Obama has been in the Senate since 2004 and was a community organizer in one of the most problem-riddled parts of Chicago before that. Also, on a perhaps tangential, but definitely related note, he is just smarter. Even if you do a balance of who has made more executive decisions and Palin comes out ahead, when it comes to thinking critically and creatively (which is ultimately the key to transformingU.S. politics), Obama and Biden clearly have Sarah Palin beat.

4. Her speeches are designed to incite hate and division. After watching Palin closely for the last couple of weeks, I´ve noticed that she does a really excellent job of not talking about anything in particular, and instead focuses on getting people riled up about about the fact that Obama hates this country, pals around with terrorists, and wants to have to have tea with the President of Iran. Now, lets put aside the fact that these claims are about as factually accurate as the Da Vinci Code, and consider what this strategy says about Palin. On the one hand it´s a sign of genius. If American's can be duped (AGAIN) into electing a joe six-pack, it´ll be thanks to Sarah Palin. On the other hand it proves that she is completely shallow (because she is avoiding the issues).
Biden and Obama could easily respond to her attacks by referencing her husband's involvement with Alaska's Seperatist Party (as this certainly would undermine Palin´s patriotism rant), but have elected not to, because their strategy is to rise above

To put things simply. I don´t doubt that Sarah Palin is a decent person, (well actually I do, but I´m trying to be generous), but I am absolutely certain that she should not be vice-president, not because she´s unqualified (though this is a problem as well), but because she doesn´t think.

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